September 10, 2020


The debate on remote working in our country and the comparison with the rest of Europe has brought out an articulated picture which - as often happens - has led to clashes of principle rather than to a serious comparison on how to evolve the work model by looking for to understand the opportunities that the widespread jobs digitization can bring.

The first fact is that Italy starts from a position of objective disadvantage, with 79% of workers experiencing it for the first time in recent months. If we think that only in our country, 19 million people move every day to reach their workplace with 703 million kilometers traveled, 29 tons of fuel consumed, 87 tons of CO2, 18 tons of fine particles and 243 tons of nitrogen oxides released into the atmosphere, it is understood how reducing these displacements would determine an enormous benefit in terms of environmental sustainability. It immediately became clear that the elimination of the transfer time between home and work has brought greater benefit to people and that at the same time many have decided to work in different places than their usual residence (city of origin, second home, etc.). People have also subjectively reacted very differently to this working condition. A significant problem has also emerged in the related businesses (bars, canteens, cleaning companies, neighborhood shops, etc.).

Given this, it therefore seems to us that it is necessary:
1 · Rethink, in part, the function of some areas of cities
2 · Rethink the organization of spaces in companies
3 · Rethink the organization of work and the digital infrastructure of the company
4 · Enhance the moments of physical presence of people at work by concentrating the moments of greater interaction and acquisition of skills.

The fashion sector has found itself "displaced" by this change, both in its operating models and in cultural terms. Thinking of a “relational ecology” and therefore of new business models that stimulate new behavioral models is the challenge that has opened.

There are really many points in favor of this new way of conceiving work, which, like all things, could not continue to grow incessantly but which, as the circular economy teaches, is transforming itself, adapting to a society that is acquiring a great human and environmental awareness. In this logic, Regenesi has chosen to adopt this strategy since its inception, in 2008, making its own a forward-looking and coherent working model with a business model in which each element collaborates in achieving the same mission, transforming waste into beauty by connecting people, ideas and activities.