

Regenesi Staff


Regenesi, committed to providing concrete support through solidarity actions, launched the Re-spect collection in June 2023, fully dedicated to Iranian women.

CEO Maria Silvia Pazzi, aware of the importance of supporting this cause, said: "This year the company I chose to found turns 15 years old, and giving birth to 'Re-spect' is my personal gift to myself and Iranian women."

The project goes beyond a symbolic commitment, as a portion of the sales receipts will go to fund a scholarship for a young Iranian woman, contributing to her education and the realization of her dreams. With Re-spect, Regenesi is working to making a difference in the lives of women, actively working for a future of equality and mutual support.

The scholarship is intended for female students of Iranian nationality, enrolled in the academic year 2023/24, at the Polytechnic University of Turin, in the Courses of Study pertaining to the Area of Engineering.

The application must be submitted by March 15, 2024, through the Apply online procedure, by logging on to your personal page of the Turin Polytechnic's Education Portal (in the Apply section - "Choose the path" - "Add Application" - "Research and Study Grants" - "Scholarships").

You can find the call for applications  here;  just go to the section "Call for a scholarship sponsored by Regenesi S.r.l. for Iranian female students" and click on "Call for applications."