

Regenesi Staff


From 9 to 11 November 2018, Regenesi will be present at the second edition of “Economia Come – l’impresa di crescere”, an economy festival that will held at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, produced by Fondazione Musica per Roma and the Camera di Commercio di Roma, promoted by Invitalia - the Agency for the development of the country, with the publishing consultancy of Laterza Agora. Among the 30 events scheduled, Regenesi will participate in the section "Stories" of the panel moderated by the famous journalist and director of Agi, Riccardo Luna, who will animate the meeting on the theme "The Start Up of Circular Economy" in the morning of Friday, November 9, immediately after the opening of the Festival. As the format recites, the stories of some of the most original and innovative entrepreneurs in the sector like Maria Silvia Pazzi will be told. To make the message even stronger, the musical accompaniment of the Gaudats Junk Band, a group of musicians playing only recycled instruments: guitars, tubes, saxophones and batteries made of materials destined for waste.

"The fact that more and more meetings and debates on the theme of the Circular Economy and that invite me to tell my business ", repays me of these ten years of great work that has seen me act as a visionary pioneer," declares Maria Silvia Pazzi, founder and CEO of Regenesi, "The more we talk about it, the more the public will become aware of the added value of a product made by reviving the materials. And today, thanks to sophisticated technologies and production processes, we can obtain beautiful objects, capable of giving us emotions and not just ethical principles. With Regenesi we push ourselves further and further into telling new stories, consolidating our presence in the fashion segment with the development of lines of bags, bijoux and small leather goods for the high end of the market.