As we know, until a few years ago the reference principle was the exploitation of resources. This is no longer sustainable today if we want future generations to continue living this world as we have done.
On this basis the circular economy develops. The waste that turns from waste becomes a resource, able to contribute to the revival of the economy and the creation of new jobs.
From an emergency to an opportunity, therefore, what once had to be disposed of after a single life cycle, becomes new raw material and a source of clean energy, with positive repercussions on environmental sustainability. The most attentive to these issues are above all young people, decidedly more focused on quality and sustainability as the guiding elements for the purchase of a product.
From a survey conducted by Milano Fashion Global Summit and focused on the theme of sustainability, it emerged that the average Italian consumer is evolving very quickly, and today 63% of young people born between 1995 and 2010 want high quality clothing or accessories.
A good percentage of them, 21%, would also be willing to pay up to 20% in more for a sustainable product, and social networks are in first place for the most effective tools to inform customers about the sustainability of the product and for inspire them in purchases.
In this panorama, Regenesi offers to the companies an excellent opportunity for the realization of social responsibility projects, to finally see eco-sustainability as a concrete business value.
There are different opportunities for collaboration, now we offer three proposals that for our experience can bring the greatest benefits to companies:
Every big project starts with a first small step!